They are distinguished by different temperaments and manners of expression, sometimes with physical characteristics like how they may walk. It is not unusual for patients with DID to have personalities of different gender. Also, it takes just seconds for one personality to replace another. People with DID have many symptoms.The major dissociative symptoms patients often experience are amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, and identity disturbances.
Amnesia is the most prominant, it helps hide the depressive memories or situations by helping the patient forget about it while in another personality. Amnesia in DID is seen by gaps in the patient's memory for periods of their past. Most DID patients have amnesia for periods when another personality is gone. Some even find items in their house that they never remember purchasing, finding notes written in different handwriting, or other evidence of weird phenominon. Pataients with DID also have a symptom called despersonalization. Depersonalization is a dissociative symptom in which the patient feels that their body is not real. Some DID patients experience depersonalization as a feeling of being outside of their body. They feel out of place, and some doctors think this is when they are switching personalities. and soon after experience amnesia. Another symptom of DID is derealization, which is almost like a hallucination. Patients may see walls or other objects as changing in shape or