20051403, Salikhova Malika 20073735, Yergalieva Saniya 20061172, Koshanov Yelzhan 20060161, Kozhakhmetova Kamilya
The Distinctive Features In the Works of Kazakh and Russian Artists
Course: Arts History (ART1303)
Instructor: Camilya Karabayeva
Spring 2009
I. Introduction (Malika) The essay below demonstrates the main distinctive features of Kazakh artists’ art pieces with the Russians ones
II. Main Body a. Comparison of Abylkhan Kasteev’s works with the famous Russian artist Iliya Glazunov (Saniya) b. Comparison of Zhanatai Shardenov’s works with the outstanding Russian artist Ivan Shishkin (Yelzhan) c. Comparison of Gulfayrus Ismailova’s works with the well-known Russian artist Natalia Nesterova (Adlet)
III. Conclusion (Kamilya) Kasteev’s and Glazunov’s, Shardenov’s and Shishkin’s works were both innovative and distinguished by features which can be compared and contrasted
IV. Bibliography
Kazakh art style has been developing under the centuries being composed from the different elements of the different cultures and civilizations that our ancestors had absorbed while roaming from one place to another. That is why the classical Kazakh style includes several components of the neighboring cultures and it is really hard to make a strict distinction between them. All the traditional crafts were more or less influenced by the environmental impacts, religious themes etc. A lot of borrowed ideas had been transformed under the individual preferences of the Kazakh people and sometimes lost their original purpose. Having observed the traditional art style of any nation it could be seen the unique peculiarities and features of
Bibliography: 1. Brudny, M. Yitzhal; “Reinventing Russia: Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State1953-1991,” 2000, p.107. http://books.google.kz/books?id=adbI7B6Vs0C&pg=PA107&lpg=PA107&dq=Glazunov+Iliya&source=bl&ots=aaY9c6QnxU&sig=pcUE8r3rxHDuqyVGvU9Cwuphmv4&hl=kk&ei=WevmSa7eG42Q_Qb47pHgAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1 [accessed 14 April, 2009] 2. The official web-site of Ilya Sergeyevich Glazunov. http://www.glazunov.ru/EN/index.html [accessed 14 April 2009] 3. The Soviet Encylopedia; “Alma-Ata”, 1967, p. 15 4. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin; anonymous; http://www.museum-online.ru/en/Peredvizhniki/Ivan_Ivanovich_Shishkin/ [accessed 16 April 2009] 5. Russian Art museum of Irkutsk. http://artclassic.edu.ru/catalog.asp?cat_ob_no=12527&ob_no=16382 6. Site of women in culture of Central Asia http://t1c.ru/index.php?id=80&L=2