On page 102, day quotes “what sort of car do u drive, Sally? Daddy left me the Porsche” the example shows how again she is reliant on men, her father and how childish she is using the term ‘daddy’ something a women be far from saying.
One page 103, Day mentions “she stuck out her well glossed bottom lip and shrugged her shoulders.” Shrugging her shoulders give an indication of uncertainty, her body language implies that she’s hiding something making her fall into the weak position as women therefore highlighting the disempowerment of women. on page 105, “she flounced off the bed and came back with the tequila, and like a defiant child took a slug straight from the bottle.” This quote gives an indication of her childish behavior as she is drinking straight from the bottle giving the audience a further indication of how messed up as a women she really.
On page 56, “she got up suddenly and went to the window. I’m doing all right. Then she turned on her search light eyes, scanning my face. It’s just that… that….do you know what its like? It’s so….so…huge. She was biting her lips to stop it quivering.” Her behavioral actions, constant pausing in between words and the use of repetition of the same word, teaches us how vulnerable she is as a women.