Does the quote that follows it have another meaning to it? The ad …show more content…
is clearly shows a man in early 30s, ruggedly handsome man, with no wedding band. Why not a women? Could it because plumbing is obviously a man’s job. This specific ad was in a women’s magazine. While having a good looking man promoting the ad, it also draws attention to the item as well. If this man can do it, then well so can we. Would it be more likely to sell if a women in her early 30s were promoting the ad in a male magazine? Probably not because men already think they know everything. Nonetheless, age, gender, race, occupation and class does play big roles in magazines. Men buy playboy magazines for the women in it, but would they buy it if it had a male in it? Most magazines wouldn’t promote a big, hefty black guy holding the liquid plumber. That’s something that just stand out to someone, while they are scanning the article. They promote what they know will attract someone’s eye. Something to just pop out at you with a snarky quote to follow along that could have a double meaning to it. That’s honestly why they probably put it in Women’s Day anyway. The intended audience was for more women than it was men. Who’s to say that a man doesn’t pick up the magazine, in the doctor’s office and happens to stumble across that ad and say “well that’s a nice looking fella there”. People often think that everything is based on sex or the idea of sex. In most cases they are. The ad that was chosen, showed a man. That man could have had other motives besides selling or promoting Liquid Plumber. Jean Kilbourne quotes “Advertising often encourages women to be attracted to hostile and indifferent men while encouraging boys to become men” (424). She is saying would you rather look at a little boy advertising the item or a man that appeals to you? He has a playful smirk on his face so, it shows some kind of sexual tension. The ad its self isn’t abuse towards women. The ad self-portrays Kilbourne’s thought of men. That they are dominate and control taking. What women wouldn’t love to see a man take control of the situation and fixing a leaky faucet? In reference to many of Kilbourne’s ads in Rereading America she makes several good points. Men are seductive and ads can be totally misleading. The ad that was in Women’s Day Magazine with the rugged plumber, talking about he only needs 7 minutes instead of 10. It sets something off inside of me. She writes “Perhaps it is simply designed to get our attention, by shocking us and by arousing unconscious anxiety” (428). There could be plenty of women who mistook that ad quote as well. What her quote refers to in the book is a women in an elevator leaning up against the side. It says “Push my buttons I’m looking for a man who can totally floor me, who won’t stop till the top. You: MUST LIVE in SYN” (428). The ad itself if for jeans. Why would you put that sort of seduction in a blue jean ad? For the simple reason to attract women. That particular ad is to capture men. If they had a pair of jeans then women would want them to floor her. As a matter of fact, you could go all day looking at ads, and comparing them to how seductive they could or couldn’t be. Kilbourne makes her idea clear. Women are more likely the target for domestic or social abuse then a man would be. When Kiblourne says that “most of us become numb to these images, just as we become numb to the daily litany in the news of women being raped, battered, and killed”(430). She exactly right! The images that portrays women’s into today’s society, sets off an atmosphere saying which they like that kind of attention and they truly don’t. The Liquid Plumber ad show a sexy man like it does to most Calvin Klein ads. His product is to get women interested in that stereotype of men. Men can also be degraded just as women can. Rape can happen to men just as easily as to women, there are thousands of cases that never get reported because men are so prideful. Furthermore, the facts shows that when power is unequal, when one group is oppressed and discriminated against as a group.
When there is a context of systemic and historical oppression, stereotypes and prejudice have different weight and meaning (433). My ad shows that against men, that men is the “eye candy” of the article instead of the women. Well Kilbourne’s thesis is mostly about women abuse. What about the men? They might be dominate in most aspects of life, but they also get dehumanized as well. They are expected to have a body with a chiseled chest and bulging biceps. That’s not an ideal image of a man, nor a plumber. When you think of a plumber what do you see? A man bending over the sink, with his butt crack hanging out. Missing a tooth or two, talking to you with a redneck accent. I disagree with Kilbourne in many ways. Women degrades men, just as well as men would a women. Especially in ads promoting items to sell. You wouldn’t buy a item with an ugly male or female promoting it would you? Not unless its make-up and it shows you how you can transform from a beast into a beauty. In my point of view, women are the ones that usually publishes magazines. They design the articles. So why would they make women and men so vulnerable? If it was up to a man everything they would design would be about beer and sex. Everything is misleading to a naked eye. It also has a double meaning, She says “ Indeed if a women does whistle at a man or touches his body or even makes direct contact, it is still she is at risk and the man who has power” (435). That’s honestly stupid because the women shouldn’t be making a pass at the man if she doesn’t want to get noticed. She needs to back up a few steps and see if that has him making the pass she wouldn’t like that. Men have power true, but women has just as much as power. It’s all how they let it control their life. Kilbourne makes excellent points, but the ad that stood out to me was about a man getting in the spot light. A
man for women to pick over, and say that she would like him to be her plumber. Either way women, men or children have it unfair. There are several different ways to pass of any gender of any race. Men probably can’t stand to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in life. It’s completely unfair and unethical. Women hates when it’s put on all of them, so don’t make it the blame for all of men. Of course when it comes to power women has control of respecting a man’s boundaries, and vis versa. When you read articles like Two ways a Woman can get hurt, you need to think about things from a man’s perspective. Not to just agree with the women all time.