Channels of distribution carry out a number of functions in order for the flow of goods from the producer to consumer to be possible. Some of these channel functions includes; * Physical distribution function – A function that increases the efficiency of the flow of goods along the chain by reducing the number of transactions needed for goods to flow, through breaking bulk and creating assortments. It also includes transportation and logistics infrastructure, with a focus on transporting and warehousing. * Facilitating function – A function that make the purchase process easier for customers and manufacturers. Intermediaries often provide customer services and repair and maintenance services. * Communication and transaction function – A function where they supply the sales force, advertising, contact, negotiation, and involve channel members as sources of important information. (Pearson Education, Inc. 2012)
From these functions, challenges of distribution channel can arise if it is not managed properly.
One of the many challenges of distribution channel that was identified from the research