Diversity in the Hispanic Culture
The Hispanic community accounts for the largest minority in the United States. The United States Census Bureau reported as of July 2006, the percentage of Hispanics in the nation had grown to 15. This percentage excludes the 3.9 million Puerto Ricans whom call America their home. This number puts the United States ranking third worldwide for largest Hispanic populations, with Mexico and Colombia holding the first and second ranking respectively (Pew Hispanic Center, 2009). The Hispanic community is diverse in itself, although non-Hispanics may have panethnic views of the group as simply Latino or Hispanic, this group is made up of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Central/South American, Cubans, to name a few. Those who consider these people as one group are mistaken and over generalizing. Each of these subgroups has their own dialect, social and economic make-up, heritage, and religious background.
Language Differences
Although Spanish is the language of the Hispanic heritage, those residing in the United States do not all choose to speak the language. As of 2002, only 51% of Mexican Americans were Spanish dominant, 26% were bilingual, and 23% were English dominant. The percentages vary between the different Hispanic groups. The Puerto Ricans represent the highest percentage of English dominant Hispanics. Statistics show only 21% of Puerto Ricans are Spanish dominant, 40% are bilingual, and 39% are English dominant (Schaefer, 2006). The numbers of English-speaking Cubans and South/Central America are even smaller. Less than 31% of Cubans speak a language other than Spanish in their homes. In South American it is possible for the native language to be Portuguese, French, or Dutch. Recapping the percentages show the concern of political figures rallying for English as the “Official Language.”
Economic Status
As the debate of English as the “Official Language” continues, the
References: National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. (2006). Latino Religion in the U.S.: Demographic Shifts and Trends. Retrieved from http://www.nhclc.org/about/news/apr2006_4.html Pew Hispanic Center. (2009). Hispanics of Mexican Origin in the United States, 2007. Retrieved from http://pewhispanic.org/files/factsheets/48.pdf Pew Hispanic Center. (2009). Hispanics of Puerto Rican Origin. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau. (2009). Hispanics in the United States, Puerto Rico,. Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0084/twps0084.pdf United States Census Bureau. (2009). History of Cuban Immigration to the United States. Retrieved from http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/cubanimmigration.html