Diversity Worksheet
Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use.
1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity can be differences in race, heritage, customs, belief systems, physical appearance, mental capabilities, etc.. Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same as anyone else, even within the categories above. [ People tend to reject what is different. Our differences/diversities can lead to growth as a society or it can lead to violence and hatred. We must value our diversity in order to work together for the common good of our society/world. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, and that all other groups are measured in relation to one's own. [ The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity. ]
2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society?
Some examples that ethnocentrism may be detrimental to a society: The negative effects do clearly exist, [ although the highly excessive forms of ethnocentrism prevalent in the early twentieth century ? which is when William Graham Sumner coined the term ? are not equally relevant today in the twenty-first century. Having coined the term, Graham went on to state that an ethnocentric viewpoint of the world only leads to pride and vanity. This pride often results in being fond of one's own way of life to such an extent that one harbors feelings of contempt towards other cultures. For instance, ethnocentrism within a European society has led to practices such as polygamy and the eating of dogs ? not considered aberrant in certain societies ? to be looked upon as not only different, but also inferior, offensive and ?unnatural.? Similarly, fundamentalist Muslims might find many of the practices of European women highly immodest and immoral. These attitudes of superiority or hostility towards members of other groups can lead to discrimination or even violence within a society.
3. Define emigration and immigration.
The words immigration and emigration frequently get misused in the English language. Although similar in meaning, the words are not the same. Perhaps the easiest way to differentiate between the two words is that immigration refers to entering a country, while emigration refers to leaving a country. Depending on point of view, one party might refer to an individual as an immigrant, while another party refers to that same person as an emigrant.
4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified?
There are four ways a group of people can be identified are race, ethnicity, religion and gender. Within these four groups there are five characteristics that they all share that make them fall into a minority group. Those five characteristics are unequal treatment, distinguishing physical or cultural traits, involuntary membership, awareness of subordination, and in-group marriage.
5. Why do people label and group other people?
People label other people and other group in order to give them a distinct identity in the society. Labeling can give both and negative effects to the person that is being labeled. [ If it is a positive labeling, it may contribute in increasing one's or the groups self confidence, hence, they become motivated and have a positive out look in their respective lives. However, if its a negative labeling, this can affect the person's or the groups personality, their out look in life and most of the time become introverts. Technically, due to negative labeling they become anti -social so as to escape from shame or from bullying. ]
6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain.
Some of the most perplexing problems arise from the vagueness of the term and phenomenon called ethnicity, and from its indefinite and ever-expanding domain. [ One of the central arguments of this essay will be that ethnicity is not a single unified social phenomenon but a congeries, a "family," of related but analytically distinct phenomena. The foundations of ethnicity, the "markers" of ethnicity, the history of ethnicity, the aims and goals of ethnicity—these vary from case to case. For instance, in one circumstance religion may be the decisive distinction between two ethnic groups (say, in Northern Ireland), while in another language or history or race or any number of other qualities may serve the same function. Even within one case of ethnicity or conflict, the referents or the emphasis on referents of the groups concerned may shift over time. Further, not all culturally-distinct groups are ethnic groups precisely, and (in an odd paradox) not all ethnic groups are culturally-distinct groups; the relation of ethnicity to "culture" is less than perfect. Not all ethnic groups are ancient and organic social entities; some can make the claim, while others are noticeably recent. Finally, not all ethnic groups are in conflict, not all conflicts are equal in intensity, and not all conflicts seek the same ends.
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