Brenda and Ralph are co-workers and counselors at a local high school. Ralph is a believer in Social Contract, while Brenda is a Divine Command strong hearted Southern Baptist woman. Brenda and Ralph are debating on the subject of students of the same sex kissing in the hallways at school. This is a touchy subject for both of them, since religion has been taken out of the school system in recent years. However, they feel the problem of students of the same sex showing affection in the school have made their job more difficult to manage, and resolve academic issues.
Brenda- Ralph, how familiar with Divine Command are you? I would like to explain my convictions on why our students are with the same sex and …show more content…
displaying bad behavior in schools.
Ralph- I would certainly like to hear about your theory. I`m am a Social Contract believer and would love to share my beliefs as well.
Brenda- My theory supports the belief that God has said homosexuality is a wrongful act and we should not engage in same sex acts.
Under any condition two people of the same sex are not doing the right thing.
Ralph- My theory supports the notion to live as well as possible and this would not constitute a wrong doing. This breaks no laws set by our society and most states support same sex marriages.
Brenda- Based on my teachings and beliefs, the bible sets the rules we live by in our society. The bible states "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22. This sin called for the death penalty under the Law. "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death;" Leviticus 20:13. It gives us rules to abide by and the consequences if not followed.
Ralph- Great point, based on your beliefs, but what are the reasons same sex couples can`t be together? How does that affect society? Also, what wrongful act or law of the land are they breaking?
Brenda- God governs by his rules set forth in the teachings of the bible. My strong Divine Command theory solidifies the morality of these acts. They are wrongful acts in society. Another good point is, they cannot bear children …show more content…
Ralph- Again, This society was formed on the beliefs of a man and woman and the population was grown from that. Without Social Contract this society would not be as productive as we have been. Divine Command has you limited on how to govern, and the morality of decisions instead of the rational thinking process of making them. Also, people still are committing crimes of rape, theft, and murder. Based on the theory you believe, no punishment would be given at the time of the crime. All chaos would break out under this theory. Social Contract theory spells out what will happen when the law is broken. People would be afraid to walk the streets and enjoy everyday life without Social Contract.
Brenda- I understand your beliefs, but Divine Command has been around since the beginning of time and has set president with the morality of the society we live within. The framework, from which God has laid, holds people accountable for the wrongful acts they may conduct from a morality standpoint. Studies have shown whenever a person is in distress; the first person they call out for is God. This is also another substantiated reason to believe in this theory.
Ralph- My theory clearly points out that society is accepting regardless of your religious beliefs, because it is based on everyone`s acceptance. How you feel about God has nothing to do with society. We have many different denominations and not all are accepting of same sex relationships. Some make it clear that God says they are morally wrong, but he will have the final say. However, Social Contract is totally different and the laws are written and can be enforced if broken. It is designed to benefit man as a whole, not separate you by religion.
Brenda- We are morally bound to do certain things because God commands us, and without his guidance why would we act morally? In my belief, if you do not believe in God you can`t have a moral value.
Ralph- We would act within the laws of the land.
Our moral duties have nothing to do with living in a civilized society, where everyone is in agreement to pay taxes and abide by the laws.
Brenda- Our United States of America is made up of believers in God. Over 78 percent have some belief in a higher power, and even our courthouses are set up on the moral beliefs of God. We must raise our right hand and promise to tell the truth before testifying in court. This says that majority of the people are living with the Divine Command theory, and not Social Contract. However, the laws are there, but morality is a major part of our world. Also, you can only get incarcerated if you commit perjury in the court room. People tell little white lies all the time for the good of people.
Ralph- This is why our judicial system has many flaws. It can`t be morally correct when you have the death penalty. Based on Gods laws, we shouldn’t be killing any person for breaking the law. It is the Sixth Commandment “thou shalt not kill” and therefore should not be enforced in society. The beliefs of my theory are a set of rules that are governed by the people, based on a majority decision. Morality should not have any influence on how we live in harmony. If it does not harm society, then it is acceptable. That is why I feel dating of the same sex is acceptable and not morally wrong. The bible has stories of men with many wives, and that is contradictory of morality, and the ten Commandment rule on
My living experiences bring both theories into rational thinking. We can`t have peace and harmony in society without governing laws, and we have to have some morals to back up those laws. However, the theory of God making morality the law are very biased. We have the bible that has many contradictory chapters and have been written by man and not accepted by everyone, and this can be a really difficult subject to reason with. I guess me continuing to live the best life possible with morals and values suits me the best. This class has definitely given me more rational arguments about religion and moral responsibility as a whole.