7th Period
The Thirteen American Arguments by Howard Fineman - Gay Rights
In Howard FIneman’s
The Thirteen American Arguments
, he discusses every outlook in correlation of each argument and the topic he is discussing. However, he failed to include a detailed argument on whether homosexual couples are endowed to the same rights as heterosexual couples and how this would affect the country. In this essay, __ will be discussing whether homosexuals should be classified as part of what we like to call “the People”, or not.
The beginning of the
Declaration of Independence
, co-written by Thomas Jefferson,
Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, John Adams, and Robert R. Livingston, states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident …show more content…
Conservatives against same-sex marriage typically argue that the institution of marriage is defined as a religious union between a man and a woman,“It is a privilege, not a right.” they insist. According to a statement made on July 31, 2003 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and approved by Pope John Paul ll, marriage “was established by the Creator with its own nature and essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage exists solely between a man and woman.” Despite the fact that this statement it is approved by the Pope, it is highly inaccurate. Given modern and ancient evidence of polygamy, communal child-bearing, the use of concubines and mistresses, along with the commonality of prostitution, heterosexual monogamy can be considered “unnatural” in evolutionary terms. Marriage is a secular institution which should not be limited by religious objection. Nancy Scott, PhD, testified in
Perry v. …show more content…
19 states decided to allow same-sex couples the same benefits only offered to married couples before, such as hospital visitation during illness, taxation and inheritance rights, access to family health coverage, and protection in the event of the relationship ending. On December 17, 2009, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the cost to the federal government for extending employment benefits to same-sex domestic partners of certain federal employees
(making no mention of additional costs such as Social Security and inheritance taxes) would be about five-hundred and ninety-six million dollars in mandatory spending and three-hundred and two million dollars in discretionary spending between 2010 and 2019. This has angered conservatives because they did not feel it was right for their tax money to be used on something they did not support. In contrast, revenue from gay marriage comes from marriage licenses, higher income taxes, and decreases in costs for state benefit programs. The
Comptroller for New York City found that legalizing gay marriage would bring one-hundred and forty-two million dollars to the city’s economy and one-hundred and eighty-four million