|The Effects of Divorce on Children |
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|Nyree Porter |
|5/13/2012 |
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“Just as marriage creates a family relationship, divorce ends that marriage.” (Kalafut) When marriages come to an end families are faced with various situations. These range from legal issues of money, custody battle, even, the question of should the wife keep the last name, and etc. Divorce is not only hard on the adults that are going through the issues but on the core family as well especially the children if they were in the family relationship. We as a society must focus on divorce families with the mind frame of how it will affect the children involved. It is a very difficult transition for a child to be involved in his or her parent’s divorce. In today’s society the divorce rate is very high and consideration should be given with the effects that can be harmful or stressful for children such as: 1. Academics Problems, 2. Emotional Stress, and 3. Social Behaviors. As we continue to process the situation of divorce families, we
Cited: Black, Kemp, Smith, Segal. "helpguide." 9 March 2011. 9 May 2011 . Eleoff, Sara. "The Child Advocate." Divorce Effects on Children (2003): 1-3. Ham, Barry D. "The Effects of Divorce on the Academic Achievement of High School Seniors." Divorce & Remarriage (2003): 167-185. Kalafut, Molly. "History of Divorce: Around The World." (2005): 1-6. MacKenzie, Caroline. "Effects of Divorce on Children." The Effects of Divorce on Children (2011): 1-6. Patten, Peggy. "Divorce and Children Part I: An Interview with Robert Hughes Jr. PhD." ParentNews (Online) (1999): 1-4.