I never had to study to make good grades in elementary and middle school but in high school I began to struggle with my grades and that was when I knew it was time for me to stand on my own feet and take control of my actions. I study a lot, my parents say that I push myself too far to get those A's that I desire. But once …show more content…
I'm not the type of person to beg again and again for something I need or want, I was always the type of child who asked one time and if it wasn't given to me, whether it was a need or want, then I would set out and get it myself. But by this time I wasn't getting a lot that I needed so I knew it was time to start my job search. I was offered a position at James River Equipment to be a part-time receptionist. After six months of working there I had realized that it can be hard trying to provide for yourself with only 10 hours a week; so I asked to take on more responsibility, Since our usual worker who cleaned the store quit, because she didn't want to fill out a simple form because she did not work here full time, the tidiness of the store was left on every worker in the building. So I asked our store manager to stay after work to clean up, that way everyone can focus on their work and I can focus on acquiring these skills and helping out my parents. I love working and my father tells me that I spend too much time at work. Recently I was given the store key so I can close the store without having to only work on the terms of the last person