This strand is different in every individual; the restriction enzymes cut the part of the DNA strand that is different, and it is used in gel electrophoresis to identify a person. For example, in crime scene investigations the DNA sample that is found is compared with the sample of suspects bythe gel electrophoresis procedure in order todetermine if the suspect committed a crime. When doing the gel electrophoresis process,different DNA strands are set in the lanes of the gel, and they are run by an electrochemical gradient from negative to positive to separate these strands. When the strands separate, they group themselves in bands. The shortest bands travel at higher speed; therefore, they are found at the end of the gel. This experiment gives the possibility to identify which bands are the same to the one that was found in the scene, allowingreaching the objective, which is to uncover who is responsible at the crime …show more content…
1. In the lab experiment DNA samples were provided in colored micro-tubes that were incubated in ice.
2. 5 ulof DNA loading dye were placed in each sample tube and each tube was flipped gently with afinger.
3. A centrifuge was used to mix the DNA sample with the loading dye.
4. Theagarose gel was placed with thetop of the gel to the negative side in electrophoresis apparatus, and the electrophoresis box was filled with TAE buffer until it had completely covered the gel.
5. A pipet was used with different tips, and DNA samples were loaded into different lanes of the gel in the following order:
Lane 2: DNA sizes marker 10ul
Lane 3: Suspect one, 20 ul
Lane 4: Suspect two, 20 ul
Lane 5: Suspect three, 20 ul
Lane 6: Suspect four, 20 ul
Lane 7: Suspect five, 20 ul
6. The lid was placed in the electrophoresis chamber and plugged into the power supply. The power supply was turned on and the samples were electrophoresed at 100V for 30 minutes.
7. After that, the gel was removed carefully from the gel box and placed in a tray.
8. 120 ml of 100X fast blast of DNA stain was added. The gel was stained for two minutes with gentle