DNA Profiling
DNA Profiling was authorised in the mid- 1980s. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA accommodates a genetic code for each organism. DNA profiling is not just used for identifying fingerprints and such, it is also used for identifying any type of evidence that has DNA in it. Auspiciously, each DNA is unique, not even siblings have indistinguishable DNA, unless they are identical twins.
DNA profiling is used most often to solve crime scenes. Some uses of DNA Profiling is to determine fingerprints. Remarkably, if all the DNA in your body was lined up, it would stretch from Pluto, to the Sun and back. So that gives scientists a lot to work with. Therefore, DNA profiling can …show more content…
DNA profiling normally needs something to compare too, just to ensure that its results are accurate. DNA profiling, requires a very small sample size in order to work, only about 100 micrograms- (in mass, that is only 0.0001 grams.) After analysing the DNA samples that have been found, find an identical DNA match. According to the FBI, when all 13 STR’s match perfectly, you are almost guaranteed to have found your criminal.
Global Situations:
For DNA profiling, a global situation would be the crimes of endangered wildlife. Although many countries have the law of not killing or selling endangered animals, people still manage to buy parts of these animals and use them for decoration. As a result of this event, scientist must be able to identify the endangered animal that was hunted, so they can try to save it and identify the criminal. Although, it might be difficult if they can locate only parts of the animal.
DNA profiling is very useful when it comes to solving crime. It can save lives, answer questions and ask questions. DNA profiling is used a lot in investigations, because it can take in a variety of things and can be use for variety of situations. But, this technique always uses DNA samples one way or