I’ll start off with the executive subject about “Executive branch on drug laws”. Obama is really trying to save people life with these drug laws, the cases for non-violent drugs charges is being took to serious when it comes to the charges. He is getting people less time for non-violent drug charges. He has already reduced eight people drug charges cause of the laws is too much and unfair. These days more people are getting more time for petty drug charges then rape and more serious things. People are going to jail for drugs but getting set free for murder. Last year Attorneys General Holder made numbers of forceful public statements against the mass …show more content…
Polices are doing drug traffic searches with dogs with no proper cause and that is illegal. Doing 2012 Denny Rodriquez was pulled over for trying to avoid a pothole in the road. They held him 21 min and that is an extraordinary amount of time. They let him go but before he can leave they ask can they run the dog around the car for a drug search with no proper cause. He refuse and they told him to step out the car why they did the drug search anyway. The dog found a big bag of meth in the car. The man did time for drug laws but the police had no proper cause to search for drugs. The law was miss used by the law. Later on he did an appeal and went to court for that drug search and he won the case because the officer had no rights of doing the drug