Criminal behavior and violence have been present in the United States and throughout the world for many centuries. Crime comes in many different shapes and forms. Some examples of crime area violent crime, murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, property crime, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. All of these criminal acts of violence has one thing in common, they are all against the law. Crime occurs in cities that are both big and small. By comparing crime data from two metropolitan areas the most frequently committed crimes can be identified. The two metropolitan area that have been chosen for comparison is Alexandria, Louisiana and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. According to the United States Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, "the the crime the occurs the most with Alexandria and Cedar Rapid from the year 2008 through 2011 was property crime." The areas of emphases for this crime comparison will be the areas in which this type of crime was committed, the rates of crime for each area, the change in the rate of crime over time, and certain factors that may explain why the crime rates where difference.…