Many women find it difficult to balance work, in contrast to men, which is mainly due to time constraints and caring responsibilities. Historically there are disparities in the level of qualifications held between both genders. In contrast to men, women are also more likely to take breaks from paid work, in order to take care of dependents. Women therefore have fewer opportunities to broaden their career prospects due to household commitments. As a result this makes it more difficult for women to gain promotion to higher positions and better paid jobs within businesses. This and many other variables may coalesce to construct a ‘glass ceiling.’ Many females find that a male orientated corporate culture as a major obstacle to their individual success. Women have fewer opportunities to broaden their career prospects, due to household commitments. The emancipation of women in recent decades has transformed the composition of the UK labour market; furthermore ONS forecasts show that the increasing trend in female participation is likely to continue. Considerable differences in pay between men and
References: Edexcel Economics A2- Peter Smith Fundamentals of Management- Mike Smith, 2007 pages 116-12