Although the story is quite humoristic but there are lessons in it. Say you have 6 eggs, and you invest in feed and a cage large enough to feed and house 6 chickens, but only 1 egg hatches. There goes most of your investment down the drain. All events happen in a line. For example, you first get the job, and then you buy the car. Not the other way around. The phrase tries to explain that you should not think about the car until you get the job. In the case of the chicken, you should first focus on hatching the eggs before you focus on how much money you are going to make from selling the chickens.
While looking ahead is wise but it is foolishness that one would start enjoying and thinking things before they happen or simply become closet-strategist. One must not, also confuse serpentine wisdom with day-dreaming. Suppose we are planning a trip to Northern Areas of Pakistan and estimate the budget, plan the routes or possible stops or booking advance the hotels etc., this is outlook or planning, which in turn can save us from many troubles. On the other hand if we think in such a way that what games we are going to play? How much enjoyment we will be having? What will we do if we see the snowfall? Will we throw snow balls at each other? This is dreaming which can cause