CP Civics and Government
Do Vaccines Matter? Most people have gone to the pediatricians since they were a week old and would not remember the total amount of shots they got and the possible pain endorsed. Parents can recall more than 30 shots that had occurred before their child has gone to kindergarten. In the past few years the debate on vaccines has become a popular topic. The anti-vaccine believers have their own impressions of the vaccines once being put into the body, but don't always understand the benefits of these vaccines. Vaccinations should be mandatory because modernizations of the vaccines and possibly stop of harmful and deadly diseases. Vaccines have been tracked to China around 1000 …show more content…
Approximately 50,000 adults die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases in the US.”(National Foundation For Infectious Diseases). It's insane that the death rate of preventable diseases is so high because with one shot those who have died could be living right now causing epidemics to still happen today. Epidemics need to be stopped and vaccines could do it over time. Anti-vaccination believers believe it's against religions, components of vaccines and the negative history of them give the anti-vaccination bieber's ammo to back up their beliefs. When a patient goes to the doctor's office and gets medicine they get an ingredient label telling the the patient about everything that is in the medicine but when a patient gets a shot a doctor never comes in and gives a patient the ingredient label for a vaccine, the article Anti-Vaccination Movement states information on some ingredients of …show more content…
Parents blame vaccines for issues with their children because their child’s speaking is stopped or slowed or deteriorating behavior. A.J Smuskiewicz states in defense of vaccines ” Public health experts note that all reliable scientific data shows that any side effects and complications that might occur with vaccines are usually minor and within acceptable risk limits”(Smuskiewicz). He defends vaccines through an unstated study about how vaccines usually have small implications and autism is a large implication and autism may not be related to vaccines. Another study done in 2001 states that there isn't enough information to say vaccines cause Autism and they have not found a connection between them yet stated in the Vaccinations Under Scrutiny: An Overview, “In 2001, The Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review Committee issued a report concluding that there was not enough evidence to prove or disprove claims that thimerosal in childhood vaccines causes autism, attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder, or speech or language delay. A more recent report by the committee "favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism." Even with this finding, some researchers continue to study the