then there would never be a law that says it is illegal or wrong.
Vissing, Y. (2011), An Introduction to Society, Bridgepoint Education, Inc., San Diego, CA. Retrieved from
Deviance occurs when there is a violation of the values and norms that affirm what a society deems desirable. A society's values and norms define what is important and how people are supposed to behave. They reaffirm the solidity of the community; society functions smoothly when the rules are clear and there is consensus about their implementation. When people deviate from the widely embraced norms and values, the community may react in such as way as to penalize the individual and try to bring them back into adherence with the community. When individuals violate the ways people are supposed to think and act, social groups may step in to help keep people in line. In sociological terms, functionalist theorists would remind us that it is important that (a) everyone know the rules of social living, and (b) everyone follow them. Societies exert a great deal of social control over people's actions, and also attempt to influence their thoughts and the way they look at things (Macionis, 2010)