Human resource department
Dear Mr. cheetah,
Enclosed is your reference no. 12345 report. There are a lot of mistakes that I have found in it. Especially scope is something you need a lot of work to do.
Title mentioned by you does not match the entire data, I advise you to be very careful while mentioning a title because most of the time we people do not have enough time to go into the detail section , so it’s an easy way to get an initial gist of the report and to judge what conclusion is needed in the specific context. I think that you should go through the document once again.
For your reference I recommend that you should include the following agencies to get some help for your reference * Nasir j & co. * Waqar karma and co
For further references and help donot contact me, but him
Hamayun khan
Chief executive officer hppho haha
reference no. 12345 report means that you have referred something having 12345 as a reference fdngfnb,xcvmgdfg,mgnf,dmg,mdnv nv,mfdngfjkldgn,fmdnb v,msdfgnfdngvm,fsdgfm,dgfdm,gnfm,dgn.mnsdf.g,mfd.gnd,mgb,I am bn b nb nb mkmkh bnjbhg ,mhjhu vgjfjg jhjk jhj jhj nbvcg ,mnkl nbvjhnbv ,mbnj , nbjk ,nb ,jnbj, b mnjbjk b mjbjk jmnbjkbjb kjbkjhb jkbjk kbjhkb jhvjhg ljknkl h jhf guyj bnjn khgv jhjnlkn kjbkj hcgh lknlk jhgcvgj ,nlkn jh fvjhblkn jkvbkh ;jlk jgvjh I am k; jh vjh vk,mnlkm; kjvbhk k;jk;lj gh gffgfgh rhghjyt jhty tyjryjuyt tyjyry yhyj yjrt tyr tjyhjyht uytyujytj tyyu6y5 tyjyj rtyujyru rtuyruyr uyrtuy uyrtuy rttruy rtrt rtuy rtrtuy uy rt r rtrt rt rt rtrt rt yrt yt yt yrtuyuyuy tyrt yuytyuy uyuy uyt uyuyt uytuyt uyuy uytuyt tyuyt rer rtrt rtert rttr uy uyuyt hyjh rthhrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt rthhrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt rthhrt hrthrt hrthrt hrthrt rthhrt