The difference between Parliamentary What systems currently exist
The British Parliamentry system and the American Presidential system are the two best known examples reference will be made to these two systems.Firstly it is importamt to history behind each system to compleatly understand how each developed.
The American Presidential system was born out of a revolutionary war between the British colonial power, it,s important to note that the revelution was led by successfull people i.e. successful planters who owned thousands of acres of land , successful lawyers and merchants. Alarge number of these people were slave owners, thus in carrying out the revelution they considered two things namely; to get rid of the British Colonial power and two making sure that the new system that would be in place would not alloiw slaves, poor people ,labourers and small farm pwners to overtyhrow them i.e. it was a revelution aimed at removing colonial power while safeguarding aginst popularly controlled government and such a state was esatablished in 1789, therefore the American State claime the distinction of beiong the oldest constitutional democracy .
The British system was by contrast not established by a revelution i.e. it was established via gradual change and not the overthrow of a previously existing system the king of Britain was not overthrown the way it was in the United States, thus the role of the Monarch and the aristocracy was gradually undermined over a number of centuries, the gradual nature of the change meant that the old structures and institutions were never cast aside i.e. t5here was a king or queen 500 years ago today there is only a queen while the structures and institutions remained their functions and powers changed siginfigantly changed i.e. the king of 1500 AD had emense and almost total power but tyoday the monarch has little power and her role is mainly symbolic.
These contrasting origins have implications for American Presidential