a. Conditional Positive Regard is when a person must meet conditions of worth in order to receive affection/acceptance, or when affection/acceptance is only given out in certain circumstances. This requires people to meet certain preconditions or requirements. It is the opposite of Unconditional Positive regard, which provides affection and acceptance with no strings attached. Conditional Positive Regard can be useful in looking for a significant other. In these situations, one partner must meet certain criteria such as, a good job, high education, or certain values, in order to receive love from the other. However, Conditional Positive regard can be harmful on personality development when it causes a person to conform. One example is when a teenage girl changes her behavior, values, or goals, in order to be accepted by a group of friends. When someone conforms to certain requirements, in order to achieve acceptance, they have a difficult …show more content…
According to Self-Determination theory, what needs must be met in order to achieve healthy personality development?
a. The Self-determination theory is when a person decides for themselves, what they will do. The needs that must be met in order to achieve a healthy personality development are, the need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy or self-determination. Competence is when a person is effective in dealing with their environment, or when they conquer tasks because they are good at doing things. Relatedness is the need to interact, to relate, and being connected with other people. Relatedness is best achieved through relationships that provide unconditional positive regard. Lastly, Autonomy or self-determination is the need to be in charge of your own life. This includes choosing how to live your life and being responsible for your actions. In the end, if these needs are met, a person is able to achieve