Yes, if the acidity in my/a stomach is high in terms of the PH balance then the proteins in our stomach will be digested faster because acids are known to breakdown and eat away at many objects.
The purpose of this project was to observe how the digestion of protein varies at different pH levels. This project in my eyes helps society by finding the best types of food (i.e. ones with higher/ lower acidity and pH balance) to eat in order to have a healthy digestive system. I tested this experiment question by * Placing albumin a protein into four test tubes for each of the seven-pH levels being used. * Then, the buffer solution for each pH level was placed into their respective tubes. * After a period of ten minutes, Ninhydrin Isopropanol was placed one of the tubes for each pH level. * As the pH level increased, the rate of digestion also increased rapidly. The fact that the pH and rate of digestion increased at the same scale inferred that the pH level in the “stomach” is very acidic and serves to denature proteins during digestion. In all, my project was successful at proving if the pH balance of acidity affects digestion in our stomach.
First, I set up four test tubes. Then a protein, albumin, was placed into the four test tubes for each of the seven pH levels being used. These test tubes with the chemical acted as a stomach with food (protein) inside. Afterwards, the buffer solution for each pH level was placed into their respective tubes. After a period of ten minutes, Ninhydrin Isopropanol was placed one of the tubes for each pH level. This step was repeated every ten minutes. Then after being centrifuged, the solutions were observed for color change and the absorbance was recorded using a spectrophotometer at 580 nm.
As the pH level increased, the rate of digestion also increased rapidly. From a high pH level the