Metaphors are repetitively used to allow there to be multiple interpretations regarding how significant ones actions can transform their country. In the words of prolific writer of songs and poetry, Joy Harjo “the world begins at a kitchen table” (Harjo 548). A kitchen table is usually seen as the center of a household. Then perhaps, Harjo is literally speaking of a kitchen table or the kitchen table may be a representative form of a house, a capitol of a country, or even the heart of a human being. She allows for this wide variety of interpretation due to the fact that if one is willing to change their ways for the better of their country then where they start is their choice. They may start by changing themselves or they may begin by working to change their government. However, if one does not choose to change their ways, Harjo warns “our dreams drink coffee with us as they put their arms around our children” (Harjo 548). Our dreams, what people want their life to be like, will be passed to our children because we haven’t awakened them yet. Just as one might need a cup or two of coffee to function for the day, our dreams require us to act as their coffee and take the effort to make them
Cited: Harjo, Joy. "Perhaps the World Ends Here." The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers. Ed. Stephen Reid. 9th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011. 548-49. Print.