If you are concerned about the quality of food available to your dog, and want to provide good, nutritious food for him while avoiding the preservatives and fillers found in most of the commercial dog foods, you may find turning to natural food for dogs the logical solution. After all, we choose natural foods for our family members. Isn't Fido part of the family too?
Not only is natural food for dogs healthier, but it can be a lot of fun for the whole family to create new and exciting meals for Rover. But, you may be saying, it's too time-consuming. Actually it's far simpler than you may think to make your own healthy meals and treats for Lady and the Tramp. Just follow the easy rules listed below and …show more content…
If you keep this formula in mind, you can be confident that she is eating a well-balanced diet.
*You can prepare natural food for dogs at the same time you prepare natural food for your family meals. If youre making burgers for the kids or a turkey loaf, just toss a little extra in a side bowl for Marley. You might want to add an egg to moisten it, a few veggies for good nutrition, or perhaps some Omega oils (e.g., a tablespoon of olive oil) for Totos coat. Some even suggest punching a hole in the center and sprinkling in whatever nutritional supplements you generally give Skippy with his meal.
*Do watch the sales. People who make natural food for dogs watch the weekly grocery ads. Many recommend Costco or Sams for bulk meats and other ingredients for making natural food for