PHC Nursing Intervention
Evidence Based Practice Rationale
Effect of Issue on Lola’s Comorbidities or Other Issues
Referral with Rationale and Links to Other Issues.
Issue One
Inadequate Nutrition E.g. Low dairy, fruit and vegetable intake.
Incorporate favorited foods and maintain as near-normal food consistency as possible, such as soft or finely ground food with gravy or liquid added (Monturo, et al, 2014).
This will assist in better patient compliance and easier to digest foods that the patient will enjoy and it will encourage them to eat more (Young, et al, 2014).
Inadequate nutrition in anyone can impact the quality of health the person has (Boirie, et al, 2014). In Lola's case, her diet is low in fruit and vegetables …show more content…
Issue Three
Poor sleep quality
Encourage some light physical activity during the day. Make sure client stops activity several hours before bedtime, as individually appropriate (Kredlow, et al, 2015).
Daytime activity can help client expend energy and be ready for nighttime sleep; however, the continuation of activity close to bedtime may act as a stimulant, delaying sleep Kredlow, et al, 2015).
Not sleeping well can lead to a number of problems (Leblanc, et al, 2015). Older adults who have poor night time sleep are more likely to have depressed mood, attention and memory problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, more night time falls, and use more over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids (Leblanc, et al, 2015). Poor sleep is also associated with a poorer quality of life (Leblanc, et al, 2015).
Promote Lola to complete a yoga session daily to promote relaxation and better sleep quality for her (Cahan & Baharay, 2014). Refer Lola to local yoga classes in the area or at her residence for her convenience, or even obtain yoga videos she can complete in the comfort of her own home (Cahan & Baharay,