Nathan Austin-Smith
Responsible Management: Assessment 2
Management has become more and more important throughout the years, as companies grow bigger and multinational, leading to more people working in the companies and more ethical issues arising. Responsible management relates to ‘doing things right’, essentially maintaining efficiency. Effectiveness is the foundation of success, whilst efficiency is a condition of survival after success; Effectiveness is ‘doing the right things’ (Drucker, 1995, p.33). Studies have identified companies with well-developed codes of conduct as having superior financial performance, gaining from an effective and properly implemented code of conduct (Brickley, 2002). This research was based on responsible management, showing presence of responsible management can be essential for businesses. An example of a company that had an absence of responsible management in an area of their business was Tesco. The horse meat scandal earlier this year shows somewhere in the company there was no responsible management, as in Tesco’s beef burgers they found almost 30% horsemeat (BBC, 2013 [Online]). However Tesco’s responsible management lead to an award by CorpComms, for the attitude towards the scandal. From the outset, Tesco adopted a proactive approach withdrawing the affected products, offering refunds to affected customers and testing any products that had a risk of contamination (Dunne, 2013 [Online]).
Leadership scholars have discussed personal values as key drivers of leadership behavior, particularly values-based models such as transformational leadership (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999). Personal values have a strong impact on followers when leading, due to the leader believing their actions. This can be carried down to responsible management, a good manager will coincide their personal values with their actions and employees will listen and
References: Bamford, C., Grant, S. & Walton, S. (2008) OCR Economics, p.200, Harlow: Heinemnax2 Bass, M., & Steidlmeier, P BBC (2013) Horsemeat In Tesco Burgers Prompts Apology In UK Papers, Available From, [Accessed 06.01.14] Bibb, S Brickley, J., Smith, C., Jr., & Zimmerman, J. (2002). Business ethics and organizational architecture. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26(9), 1821–1835. Dunne, H. (2013) Winner: Best Crisis Management, Available From, [Accessed 06.01.14] Mount, F Whittaker, M. & Savage, L. (2011) Missing Out, Why Ordinary Workers Are Experiencing Growth Without Gain, Available From, [Accessed 07.01.14] Wilkinson, R. & Pickett, R. (2010) The Spirit Level Why Equality is Better for Everyone, London: Penguin. Wintour, P., Sabbagh, D. & Watt, N. (2011) Rupert Murdoch Gives Up BSKYB Takeover Bid, Available From [Accessed 09.01.14]