
Don T Follow Rules In Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding

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Don T Follow Rules In Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding
The theme of Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is that people turn into who they aren’t when they don’t follow rules. One event that shows this theme is that Jack and his tribe plot a rebellion against Ralph and his gang because they disagreed with Ralph’s idea for leaving the island, and they cared about only hunting in the island. This shows the theme because Jack isn’t himself after disobeying Ralph and not giving any food to Piggy, which forces him to rebel against Ralph (91, 101-104). This is shown when Jack says “Bollocks to the rules” (91)! Jack also tried to kill Ralph and stole Piggy’s glasses to get out of the island. This also shows the theme because disagreeing with Ralph and attacking Piggy forced Jack to make his own tribe.

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