
Donut House Case Study

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An exclusive use clause is a valuable and often negotiated provision in leases. An “exclusive” prohibits a landlord from leasing space to another tenant that will operate a similar business or sell similar products. For example, a gym tenant may seek an exclusive to prevent the landlord from leasing space to other gyms, or a donut shop may seek an exclusive to prevent another tenant from selling baked goods for on or off premises consumption. Consider the following tips when negotiating an exclusive use provision on behalf of a landlord or tenant.

Define the Scope of the Exclusive

Will the donut shop’s exclusive prevent the landlord from leasing to a croissant shop?

Will the gym’s exclusive protect it from a yoga studio?

Negotiating the scope of the exclusive is key. The ultimate goal of both landlord and tenant should be to arrive at a well-defined exclusive that can be understood and implemented. To protect its business from competition, a tenant is interested in negotiating as broad an exclusive as possible.
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An exclusive can limit the type of business conducted or the specific products offered. The exclusive may allow the sale of similar products, but only up to a certain monetary limit (“Landlord shall not lease to any tenant whose gross sales of donuts exceeds 25% of its overall gross sales from this location”) or floor space limit (“Landlord shall not lease to any tenant whose sale of donuts utilizes more than 25% of the premises sales floor area”). Furthermore, if a landlord owns multiple properties in the surrounding area, an exclusive may be crafted to prevent the landlord from leasing to a similar tenant within a certain distance. When negotiating an exclusive related to distance, note that a landlord may operate a number of commercial properties through single purpose entities (SPEs); if so, the exclusive will need to apply to landlord’s affiliated SPEs in order to be

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