According to scientists, steroids are substances that occur naturally, but they have found a way to artificially create them. Some of those artificial versions help the body build muscle and supply more energy for longer periods of time (Britannica). Athletes’ goals are to better, stronger, and faster than they were the day before. The pressure to excel and be the best pushes them into using stimulants and performance-enhancing drugs to add an edge to their abilities. Anabolic steroids, shots of modified testosterone, increase body mass and build muscle tissue. Creatine, a popular supplement, builds muscle, strength, and heightens player’s stamina to their greatest potential. …show more content…
Baseball is the first sport that comes to one’s mind when doping in sports is brought up. Doping is also common in cycling, wrestling, bodybuilding, swimming, and running. These sports take an immense amount of strength and stamina. On top of that, athletes are pushed over the edge to exceed greatness in the competitive world. The average amateur player does not feel the need to enhance their abilities because they play for the love of the game. On the other hand, competitive athletes want to be noticed. They want to be the best they can be, along with the best on their