Interior Design is a career that has always been an interest to me for many years. Since I was a little girl I helped my parent rearrange furniture and pictures to make our house look more beautiful and attractive. My parents realized that I seem to always posses a talent for design. So, whenever they change, or refurnished the house they would ask on my opinion that helped me grow and allowed me to pick Interior Design as my profession. Meanwhile, as I was growing up I spent my free time coloring houses and furniture, and watching Extreme Makeover with my family every morning, the people that built houses in Extreme Makeover inspired me to build houses and furnish them because they did not do it for money, but did it for charity to help other poor people to have a comfy and relaxed homes to live in. They also taught me to mix and combine furniture to make the space look equal and at the same time have my own technique and style in it. In their show they would introduce us to many famous interior designers in the past and present, but only one of the Interior Designers caught my attention and her name is Dorothy Draper. She is one of my inspirations because she was the first women to decorate rooms and furnish them, which she inspires me to do so and become like her, but of course have my own way od designing spaces.
Dorothy Draper was the first American women Interior designer. She was born to a wealthy family on the 22 of November 1889 and died on the 11th of March 1969. She helped inspire a generation of home improvements in her book “Decorating is Fun!” established in 1939. Stylistically she would use bright and exuberant colors in large prints that would cover the whole wall. She liked to combine black and white tiles, rococo scrollwork, and baroque plasterwork.
Dorothy Draper was the first to professionalize in Interior Design industry by establishing in 1923, the first Interior Design Company in the United States of America,