STUDENT NAME:________________________________ I.D.#_________________
No electronic devices of any kind are permitted during the exam. Make sure your cell phone/pager is turned off and kept out of sight.
If you have a question or have to go to the bathroom, raise your hand.
Answer all questions in the exam booklet.
Time: 60 MINUTES Part Mark Received Section I
/ 12 Section II
/ 8 Section III
/ 20
Section IV
/ 20
Section V
/ 15
TOTAL / 75
1. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (12 marks)
Conduct SWOT analysis based on information in the case. Also, any assumptions should be listed here and labeled as such.
2. Statement of the Problem (8 marks) This is the briefest, but perhaps most difficult section of the case analysis. The problem should be a basic underlying problem; it should not be a symptom of a larger problem. The problem will be related to the concept planning, decision making, and/or strategy.
3. Causes of the Problem (20 marks) This section should analyze in detail the causes of the problem you have identified in Section 2. At this point ensure that you apply appropriate course material to your analysis.
4. Possible Alternatives (20 marks) Identify possible solutions. Make sure that the alternatives address the stated problem.
5. Porter’s Five Forces (15 marks) Use Porter’s Five Forces model to analyze the industry in which company competes.
Douglas Fine Foods Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Problem statement
Currently, the company is facing a number of problems due to which the CEO is deciding to revamp its business strategies. These strategies include severe decision regarding the mergers and acquisitions. The transformation of the business