The first person I would talk to is Chris Kyle the reason I would talk to him is because, when I was little my uncle was in the army and talked all about the navy seal sniper Chris Kyle, so I looked up to him in many ways when I was a kid, my uncle was an army lieutenant and new a lot about Chris Kyle and his work. Chris Kyle is a Navy seal from team 3, and is one of the best snipers to live taking down 160 enemies. When he died, I was sad, I would ask him what inspired him to be a US navy seal. Because I know a lot of people are forced to go to the military to get free college. Do you miss your family, do you look over them a lot? My Parents always said when someone died in our family they will always look over us, protect …show more content…
Did you ever think you what the al- qaeda members thought while fighting. Do you know how bad terrorism is around the world, During the war in Iraq, how did you think of it and why? Do you know now who is the leader of ISIS now? Did you know Al-qaeda started another group named ISIS. Were you the only Seal sniper on your team? Did you also work with Marines as well as Navy Seals. During the period of your service was there any kills you regret. Do you know your friend Chad littlefield that was with you when you die, he was also shot and killed as well. Do you believe that you did really take down 160 enemies, because that's a huge number of kills in military history.Why did you want to help other military members with ptsd, even though it's a good that you help military members even though you knew the guy that killed you was crazy. You’re one of the most famous snipers in the world and inspired many people, and some will try to be a better sniper than you? Chris Kyle is one of the best Navy Seal snipers in military history and he would never be forgotten, he has inspired many people in his lifetime, through his tough work and determination everyone everyere would remember and respect the name Chris