What do the accounts of two Roman emperors reveal about the strategies leaders use to improve their institutions? In the first century BCE, Rome was struggling to govern effectively, take care of its citizens, and deal with bordering nations. Augustus came to power in 27 BCE and his reign oversaw the successful transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire (McKay 156). Just before his death in 14 CE, he wrote his autobiography, Res Gestae Divi Augusti, which details the impressive accomplishments of his long career. This text can be compared to an account of another Roman Emperor, Constantine, who served roughly 300 years later, from 306 to 312 CE. Roman historian Eusebius wrote a detailed biography of Constantine, called The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, and this essay will focus on his description of a significant event in Constantine’s life, his conversion to Christianity. Although Emperors Augustus and Constantine both strived for similar goals of uniting Rome and bringing it to the forefront of the world, these two accounts, Res Gestae Divi Augusti and the Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, show that each ruler’s…