
What If Rome Never Fell Essay

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What if Rome Never Fell? Rome, the eternal city. The center of the civilized world at the time. It held one of the best Army and Navy in its era. It created one of the most important language in the history of man, and were masters at building. With such Accomplishments, how can a Civilization this grand and accomplished become demolished? And if this Civilization never had fallen, how would the ancient and modern world be changed? But one thing if for certain, if Rome never had fallen, Human development would have been more advanced than it is today. The fall of Rome was not imminent. It took many decades for it to completely disintegrate. What started the decline of Rome was the end of the "Pax Romana"; a 200 year era of peace in the Roman empire. A contributing factor to the end of the Pax Romana was when larger cities grew in population giving more power them while leaving smaller towns powerless. Poisonous lead pipes in the cities of Rome caused brain damage to many citizens of Rome and agriculture was slowed by a …show more content…

In this timeline of history, the Huns never tried to invade modern day Germany, so therefore the tribes stayed in Germania and never sacked Rome. Also, the Pax Romana had never ended; so the trigger of the fall of Rome never happened. Rome would have kept increasing the areas of control. These years of expansion would cause Rome to expand into modern day Germany. This would increase the size and the population in the cities in the northern areas of the empire such as Germania, Gaul, and in the British isles. Because of these areas being in Roman rule, countries such as Germany, France, and England would have never developed. In these new areas that Germanic tribes still consider home, attacks would become more common than usual and possibly create a ethic hate for the

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