1.Is the "pile of cells" alive?
There are always two sides to abortion, who truly has the right to live and die. One logical possibility the pile of cells cluster
together is it alive, yes something cannot be raise from the dead or kill if it’s not alive in the first place. Now the other possibility is it human? Unfortunately, there is no agreement from between the two sides. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice has very strong points. No one could say for sure it it is alive or human at this stage, no proof from medical philosophy or theology, no hard evidence has been provided. The opinion of others is the only evidence we have on abortion. It is clearly noted that some people regard this life form as a baby which makes it human. The others refer to it as a cluster without life existence. Pro-life believes that abortion is unjust and it takes the life of a defenseless human being. Pro-choice exercise the rights of a mother is she decides not to have the due to her personal reason. Some people may condemn this act of aborting a life form, but others do not have the right to judge people in legal choices they make. Who is right morally?