These are representative quotes of the Texas born-and-bred “Dr. Phil”, whose homespun platitudes literally roll off his tongue. Dr. Phillip McGraw, Ph.D., is the #1 best-selling author of Life Strategies, Relationship Rescue, and Self Matters. He is the host of the nationally syndicated, daily one-hour series ‘Dr. Phil’. He is a self-proclaimed expert in the field of human…
Cynthia Frisby captivated her audience and researched data of people and reality shows: Whether the aim is money, love, becoming a rock star, creative expression, or just a chance to be seen on TV, the effect on audiences is the same. People like knowing that there are others who are going through the same life experiences that they are and often make the same mistakes. Despite the shifting desires of society and the fickleness of television audiences, the human need to compare and relate has provided a market for this genre. (Frisby 260)…
Daytime talk shows are certainly controversial there are those who find some of these types of show informational and helpful. There are others who view these shows as pointless and inappropriate. Daily viewers turn on there television and are bombarded with images of sex, drugs, and violence on some of the talk shows. The essay "Talk TV: Tunings into Trouble," written by Jeanne Albronda Heaton and Nana Leigh Wilson is about TV talk shows that are influencing many people. In their essay "Talk TV: Tuning into Trouble," they describe how the old TV talk shows provided useful information but, now modern talk shows have crude and vulgar topics. Heaton and Wilson's main thesis is stated at the end of article where they state "Talk TV initially had great potential as vehicle for disseminating accurate information and as a forum for public debate, although it would be hard to know it from what currently remains. Because most of these talk shows have come to rely on sensational entertainment as the mean of increasing rating, their potential has been lost." Heaton and Wilson argue…
For instance, Kit-Kat’s target audience on choose a chunky champion is young audience aged 18 and 30 years. An advert on YouTube exposed a large portion of…
I learned about Maureen Dowd, Jehan Sadat and their writing style. Maureen Dowd is an American who studied English and writes for various popular news outlets. She uses her words to build to her viewpoint. Jehan Sadat is an Egyptian writer who served as First Lady of Egypt. Sadat is clear from the beginning on her views.…
In Gardyn's essay, she explains why people in my age group watch reality TV. She explains, "70 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds watch reality television programs and 44 percent of this group prefer to watch real people over scripted characters on TV"(Gardyn 182). Also, statistics show that "43 percent of 10- to 34-year-old viewers say they tune in because they like to see conflict break out among the contestants" (Gardyn 184). Ed Martin also added "These kids grew with cable television, where unscripted, documentary-style shows have always been a staple," (186)…
Some viewers see these young women as if they are already on the path for an unsuccessful and depressing future. They feel the young mothers are turning their lives into a complete train wreck due to the “fame” the series has brought them. Viewers may also think that the young mothers are sending themselves into a downward spiral and devastating their families in the process. Naïve viewers may even see the show as an example of a really awesome way to live. This reality series may compel some individuals to behave in ways that will land them on reality shows. These messages could also be portrayed by other reality shows such as, “Jersey Shore” and the “Worlds Strictest Parents”. Although they have concerns of different topics they could be seen in multiple different ways.…
"Joe" McGraw, Jr."(Phil McGraw.) McGraw attended Shawnee Mission North High School in Overland Park, Kansas. "In 1968, he was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Tulsa, where he played middle linebacker. McGraw graduated in 1975 from Midwestern State University with a B.A. in psychology. He went on to earn an M.A. in experimental psychology in 1976, and a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology in 1979 at the University of North Texas, where his dissertation was titled "Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychological Intervention"'' (Dr. Phil McGraw Biography.) McGraw was guided through the doctoral program by Frank Lawlis, who later became the "primary contributing psychologist for the Dr. Phil television show."(Phil Mcgraw.) After obtaining his doctorate McGraw had established his private psychology practice. "In 1995, Oprah Winfrey hired McGraw's legal consulting firm CSI to prepare her for the Amarillo Texas beeftriai."(Dr. Phil McGraw Biography.) Winfrey was so impressed with McGraw that she thanked him for her victory in that case, which ended in 1998. Soon after, she invited him to appear on her show. "His appearance proved so successful that he began appearing weekly as a relationship and life strategy expert on Tuesdays starting in Aprill998."(Phil McGraw.) In the fall of2002, he launched his own tv show, Dr. Phil. "The one-hour talk show garnered the highest ratings of…
Gattaca directed by Andrew Niccol, is set in a future where science, and not religion, has taken over society. A new form of discrimination has arisen, called genoism, discrimination according to one’s genetic purity. The story follows a man named Vincent Freeman who was born as a god child this means he was genetically inferior to people born with the aid of technology. Vincent faces extreme genetic discrimination and prejudice, making it harder for his life long dream of being an astronaut. But we soon find that with courage and determination Vincent can rise up and live his dream despite being “disadvantaged”.…
4. The target audience for Seinfeld is for people aged 20-50, though many teenagers do watch. Audience can relate to many episodes. Episodes deal with friends and work issues. The show asks questions and answers them. Many jokes many be used…
Teen Mom has been an innovative show in the reality show industry because it has opened up to society what a teenage mother goes through as she raises her first child. These girls have matured a long way throughout their Childs birth and their upbringing. The show presents four Teenage girls, now eighteen, struggling with money, school, and dating as well as dealing with insecurities, their parents, the father of their children and for a couple and a mother and daughter, domestic violence. While society usually judges girls who get pregnant at any early age, this reality show has bought into terms the reflection of these four women and how they stand in or stand out of the teen pregnancy statistics. Teen Moms huge success and its continuity on MTV where it had premiered for a few almost two seasons have been very controversial to many viewers. The criticism of making paying these girls to let people into their lives and see how they live is…
Bill O’ Reilly also invited Philly elementary school principal onto the school to speak about the music impact on the kids at the school. Reilly point out all the negatives and of Dash and Camron, but did talk about the positives things and the charity events that both of them host. Reilly has invited many other rappers onto his show such as Kanye West, Ludacris, Jadakiss, Snoop Dogg, Nas, Mos Def, Jay-Z, Common, and Lupe Fiasco. To have debates about the impact of their music onto the urban culture and the…
The disparities in the U.S. court system regarding paternity of low-income individuals has extreme effects on whether children would ever know their fathers, but they also lead to men being involuntarily held financially or legally responsible for children they did not biologically father; a burden that has disproportionate negative effects on a man with low-income. Dr. Vincent Miller contends "Nearly 30% of the tested paternity cases in our laboratory result in an exclusion of the "alleged father" presented as the biological father." (2010). The mere allegation of a man’s paternity, results in the U.S. court system entering financially, as well as…
Since the late 1940’s, television has been a staple in American culture. A show that was very important in American television history is The Ed Sullivan Show, created by Ed Sullivan and Marlo Lewis in 1948. The show lasted until 1971, making it the longest running variety show in history and the twenty-fourth longest running show in primetime history. The show aired on CBS from 8:00-9:00 pm after being filmed in what was eventually named, The Ed Sullivan Theater. The Ed Sullivan Show lasted as long as it did because it was able to target all audiences in the hour show, which was one of the first television programs truly to do so. It was cancelled in 1971 because of the technological advances of television which made any television program available to anyone, at any time. Although other variety shows have been incredibly popular, The Ed Sullivan Show is the most important variety show to date because of its appeal to all ages.…
There are many memories that have happened in my life that are important to me. It is very hard to select one that has really changed or impacted my life as an individual. Considering I am just about half way through my illustrious life building a bank of historical memories that I would like to recall and some that I would like to erase for good. As I look back, I think the one event that really turned my life around was joining the Navy, 20 years later and I must say it was a decision well made. As I graduated high school my thought process was to be the first person in my family to go to college. Here I am an 18 year old boy from Queens, New York having to travel more than an hour to college, taking two buses and a train. Now this does not sit well with someone when it is in the middle of winter and you feel like the city is just eating you up. It was at that point where I figured college life was not for me. Transitioning from a place where I knew plenty of people to an environment that was completely made of strangers also contributed to my decision on leaving college. Now here I am attending college, it feels like things have come full circle; I am now laying the foundation for my children setting the example that I did not have while I was growing up. As for my future, I am looking forward to gaining more experience through more watershed moments and hopefully I have the awareness to enjoy the transition from the ending to the new beginnings. Situation Analysis…