Drag is an art that involves entertaining people by crossing sexes to have the characters perform roles of the opposite sex. Drag shows contain performances of music, dances, skits, and monologues, with either one performer at a time or a group of performers to entertain the audience. Most such performances are designed for theatrical plays. Drag queens and drag kings refer to the characters who impersonate a different gender for performance purposes, which is the art of drag. In particular, drag queens are men who dress up like women to appear like female characters. On the opposite, drag kings are women who take up male roles and dress up like men (Torr & Bottoms, 2010).
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They suggest that drag queens tend to have assumptions in considering the difference between gender identities and sexual identities. Therefore, they are seen as depicting instability between sexuality categories and gender categories. In other words, they present minority sexualities and genders in their performance. Some studies show that drag kings have gender identity as an issue of social construction (Rupp, Taylor, & Shapiro, 2010). For instance, while acting they would have a pre-formed notion that politics is part of life in most men. However, drag queens performances are based on particular theories of gender identities. They tend to bring natural reality in their performance. For instance, it would be expected that a woman should feel seduced when touched, and such like traits.
Drag queens and drag kings are characters playing the roles of opposite sexes in drag performances. To appear like opposite sexes, both wear make-ups, dress up, and change voice tones to cover their natural gender identities to fit in the characters they represent. In spite of having different drives into drag, they have various theoretical establishments and different gender and sexuality performances. Drag queens and drag kings bear the same similarities like dragging to impact on their audience.