- continually rebuild while trying to stay afloat
-phil/scientist…psych/nero same boat -psych- info about mental models -but psych needs to be constrined by knowledge of the brian -psych- can be more functional -but study of brain alone = not enough about mind -psychologicl and phenomenicallevels need to be examined aswe
Return to smith intro notes
-unerstand neuro cognitive operations and consciousness
-combo of operations -experiencene, naural events, cognitive events +behavior Acuity- sharpness/clearness of perception -visual acuity varies with eccentricity (distance from center) -mascular degeneration
2-point discrimination- ability to tell that 2 objects touhing skin are 2, not 1 -the closer together, the harder it is to tell -easiest on lips/finger- where touching happens the most
Zemans description of “biological splendor of the brain…an ingenious microcomputer…bursting with life”
-brain = 100 billion neuron
-neocortex- 80% of the brain -unfolded- big surface area
-neuroimaging techniques- x-ray CT, MRI, PET, post-modern histology
Return to jan 8 lecture
-excitable cells
-sensory neurons/motor neurons -send and recive info via electrical/chemical signals
-sourrounding bilayer of lips (w protiens) electrical insulator -ion channels- allow charged ions to flow in and out -voltage gated-can be open/closed via altering voltage diff across membrane -other chemically gated -ion pump- transport ions from one side to other
Synaptic transmission
1. a presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters that bind and activate the receptors of another neuron -Resting potential- realtivley static, consistent membrane potential of a neuron -passive electrical currents flow in and out -about -70mV
2. action potential is initiated in the presynaptic neuron
Action potential- triggers neuron communication -short-lasting event where the electrical membrane potential