Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance.[1] The term comes from a Greek word "dran" meaning "action" which is derived from "to do" or "to act".
Drama is an art form that explores human conflict and tension. It generally takes the form of a story presented to an audience through dialogue and action. The story is conveyed using the elements of the theatre: acting, costumes, props, scenery, lighting, music, and sound.
Drama has an emotional and intellectual impact on both the participants and audience members. It holds up a mirror for us to examine ourselves, deepening our understanding of human motivation and behavior. It broadens our perspective through stories that portray life from different points of view, cultures, and time periods.
Types of Drama
There are many forms of Drama. Here is a non-exhaustive list with a simple explanation of each:
Improvisation / Let's Pretend
A scene is set, either by the teacher or the children, and then with little or no time to prepare a script the students perform before the class.
Role Plays
Students are given a particular role in a scripted play. After rehearsal the play is performed for the class, school or parents.
Children use only facial expressions and body language to pass on a message tcript to the rest of the class.
Masked Drama
The main props are masks. Children then feel less inhibited to perform and overact while participating in this form of drama.
Children are given specific parts to play with a formal script. Using only their voices they must create the full picture for the rest of the class. Interpreting content and expressing it using only the voice.
Puppet Plays
Children use puppets to say and do things that they may feel too inhibited to say or do themselves.
Performance Poetry
While reciting a poem the children are encourage to act out the story from the poem.
Radio Drama
Similar to script