Sabina Malik
Department of English
Qurtaba University of Science & IT
Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go
Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.
By Langston Hughes
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The purpose and meaning of the things happen in dreams are not understood till to date but it is of great importance. Dreams normally occur in the rapid eye movement stage of sleeping(REM)1 a man if sleeps 8 hours he dreams two hours of them. We see 3-7 dreams per night. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology2. In modern ages dreams are considered as a connection to the unconscious. Dreams may be of varying nature, they may be frightening, exciting, melancholic, magical, adventurous or sexual. It is not in control of the dreamer. In ancient times it was believed that dreams are direct messages from gods.3 Dreams can also be creative and can give a source of inspiration. Dreams can be the main source of self realization. According to Jung dreams are the source of self realization, these are the connections between conscious and unconscious. According to Jung, “the conscious mind is based upon, and results from, an unconsciousness psyche which is prior to consciousness and continues to function together with, or despite, consciousness.”4 And “a fundamental concept in Jung’s dream theory is the compensatory function of dreams. Jung claimed that dreams reveal the inevitable one-sidedness of our conscious life and focus on those aspects that are not sufficiently within our field of awareness.”5 We can learn from our dreams. Dreams are as important as our conscious life. Jung's concept of archetypes6 can be explained here in terms of dreams. For Jung archetypes are always polar having negative