2540 Mark scheme January 2008
Cognitive Psychology
1. From the study by Loftus and Palmer outline one limitation of the laboratory method used to investigate memory. [2]
Any one from: low ecological validity, demand characteristics, artificial etc 2 marks
Other appropriate answers Term and Example related to study 2 marks
Partially correct answer Term OR example 1 mark
2. In the study by Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith autistic children were studied:
(a) Identify the other two groups of children who were studied. [2]
Any two from: Downs syndrome, ‘normal’ 2 marks
(b) Explain why it was necessary to have these other groups. [2]
Any one from: to provide a baseline …show more content…
Any one from: studying the act of murder by looking at brain abnormalities, the use of equipment cannot be generalised to all murderers 2 marks
Partially correct answer: brief or vague answer, definition of reductionism 1 mark
12 From the study by Dement and Kleitman on sleep and dreaming outline TWO conclusions that can be drawn from the table of results below: [4]
Any two from: more dreams were reported during REM indicating relationship between REM sleep and dreaming, some dreams occurred during N-REM sleep indicating an inconclusive relationship between REM sleep and dreaming, there are vast individual differences in the amount of dreams individuals have 2 marks each
Partially correct answer: brief or vague answer or finding 1 mark each
Social Psychology
13 From the prison study by Haney, Banks and Zimbardo, explain what is meant by the
‘dispositional hypothesis’. [2]
The idea that behaviour of prisoners and guards is determined by the personality/nature/traits, 2 marks
Partially correct answer: opposite of situational hypothesis, not related to study 1 …show more content…
Any two from: the average mental age of White American adults stood just above the level of moronity: 13. European immigrants could be graded by their country of origin. The Negro lay at the bottom of the scale with an average mental age of 10.41. 1 mark each
18 From the study by Rosenhan identify two features of hospital life that resulted in the pseudopatients experiencing negative feelings such as powerlessness and depersonalisation. [2]
Any two from: staff ignored patients, lack of privacy — no toilet door locks, lack of contact with staff, reliance on medication, lack of eye contact, deprivation of legal rights, restricted freedom of movement, no privacy over medical history, physical examination in semi public room, verbal and physical abuse were witnessed, impersonal environment.
19 In the study by Thigpen and Cleckley on multiple personality disorder a variety of methods were used including a projective test.
(a) Describe what a ‘projective’ test measures. [2]
Tests a person’s responses to ambiguous stimuli with the assumption that this will reflect their unconscious fears and motivations. 2