Dreams Help People In Life Generally Because Dreams Are Something To Inspire To And Life Is Full Of Inspiration. Steinbeck Wrote A Short Novel ‘Of Mice And Men It Was Set In The 1930’s In America In The Time Of The Great Depression, Plaguing The People, People Lose Their Jobs And Work Is Hard To Come Around, He Depicts The Tale Of Two Itinerant Workers Working On A Ranch Try To Get Enough Money To Be Their Own Ranch. Dreams Are Very Important In America Because This Great Land Has A Dream, Which All Americans Aspire To, The Dream Of Independence, Which They All Inspire To. Dreams Are Also Significant In This Day And Age In America Because Of, The Great American Depression, Which Cause Relationships To Sour And Cause Isolation Between Friends And Family, Which Leads To People Having Less And Less Hopes For The Future And For Them Because Of Their Isolation Their Dream Will End. The Novella Begins And Ends In The Same Way A Forlorn Cycle For A Nomadic Workers, …show more content…
Their dream is to own their own ranch and be their own bosses and seeing their results of their own labour, “live of the fatta of the land” ”We got a future”. They also represent the dreams of other itinerant workers working so hard to earn money and accomplish their own little dream. The dream is mainly used to entertain the infantile mind of Lennie but when Candy enrols in the dream it become semi-realistic. But it gets destroyed at the end but the actions of other characters and events throughout the novella, then the dream is crushed and doesn’t get completed and the cycle goes back to the isolated itinerant worker with a dream. It is harder to obtain the dreams you desired and much harder in that time when jobs were sparse and isolation was just prowling around the corner to sequester your