III. SLAVERY, SEGREGATION AND THE CONSTITUTION A. Slavery and the Constitution 1. Compromises in Article I (3/5, slave trade) 2. Article IV - Guaranteed return of escaped slaves to their owners 3. Slaves referred to as "person held to Service or Labour" in the Constitution 4. Dred Scott vs. Sandford (1857) - See pg. 543 Peter Blow -Dr. Emerson dies while they are in free state - Mrs. Emerson now owns Scott - Mrs.Emerson gets married and gives Scott to Mr. Sandford(brother)-since he was in another state they could take it to federal court-Chief Justice Taney ruled that he was not free-filed using …show more content…
Title VII B. Civil Rights Act of 1968 ("Fair Housing Law") - Prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of a dwelling to any person on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin
V. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN THE COURTS - Any program, whether enacted by a government or by a private organization, whose goal is to overcome the results of past unequal treatment of minorities and/or women by giving members of these groups preferential treatment in admissions, hiring, promotions or other aspects of life A. University of California Regents vs. Bakke (1978) wanted to go to grad school at uc davis-cali regents didn't have minorities and made a goal to have more diverse student body-uc davis set aside 15/100 for minorities-Alen Bakke files suit uses 14th amendment EP clause-Supreme court ruled in favor of Bakke-said you can't have quota for minorities-can consider race for one part of admission but not the only reason B. United Steelworkers of America vs. Weber (1979) Weber worked for kaiser aluminum who was under united steelworkers of merica-set up special training program for minorities-weber wanted to get in but couldn't filed using 1964 Civil Rights Act title 7-ruled in favor of court because making up for past