I hold Masters degree in International Relations from Middlesex University, London and Bachelors degree in History from the University of Benin, Nigeria. I have Certificates in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations, Gender and Conflict Management. I also received trainings in Gender, Media and Conflict Management. In addition to academic qualifications, I participated in various discourses on disability and related issues, for instance, at the 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches held in Brazil in 2006, I represented the interest of disabled persons from Nigeria under the Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) at the Assembly and was a rapportuer during the pre-meeting of this Disability group.
At the course of my engagements in disability related activities and women issues, it becomes more glaring that disabled persons are mainly the downtrodden, most forgotten and marginalized group in the societies despite the fact that they are also people with extra-ordinary talent. They have limited access to opportunities and information. Because societies exclude them, they hardly reach their full potentials. Indeed these issues raised increased my burning and unprecedented passion for assisting and representing the their interests. I desire for opportunities to speak for, represent the interests and contribute my skills for the empowerment of disabled especially on issues that mainly affect their living. I also desire that they should be given a sense of