LaTanya Lloyd
English Comp III
April 29, 2011
Sarah Hinton
Dress codes decrease school violence and improve learning. It is necessary for schools to provide a secure and obedient surrounding for students to learn. American values are an important part of unblemished rights and privileges as a citizen. With violence becoming more prominent in our schools, uniforms have become a direct and constructive reducer of mental or moral training problems. Uniforms have also created an increase of safety in schools. Uniforms have been worn only in private schools in the past, but discussion of implementing school uniforms into public schools has begun. School uniforms are being looked at as a way to improve the surroundings of learning students in a way that helps students to be better achievers. When students wear uniforms in schools there are positive effects on safety and it raises the esteem of the educational surroundings. Dressing alike in schools deters the wearing of certain colors that can be interpreted as gang colors. Being allowed to wear baggy pants in schools makes it easy to carry weapons onto school grounds. School “uniforms are contributes to decreasing behavior problems by: increasing attendance, lowering suspension rates, and decreasing substance abuse among students” (Million, June 1996). Students have an increase in spirit, self-esteem, and a feeling of being a part of a group when uniforms are worn in schools (Krystyniak, Frank 2001, June). School uniforms will help lighten any stress on students to fit into a certain group. There will be no competition in keeping up with today’s trends and fashion. The concept of school uniforms will help with the safety in schools, decrease the disciplinary issues facing schools, help to promote a positive school climate, and also place the focus of schools back on professionalism and excellence in education. Uniforms should be a part of all
References: U.S. Department of Education (1996, February). Manual on School Uniforms: Where They Are and Why They Work. Retrieved February 2004, from Million, June (1996, April). Do the Clothes Make the Student? Retrieved February 2004, from Krystyniak, Frank (2001, June). Educators’ Dress Code Study Shows Numerous Positive Effects. Retrieved February 2004, from