Tens of millions of dollars are spent annually in court costs, rehabilitation, lost earnings, health care, and social programs all because of drinking driving accidents. This money comes directly out of the citizens' pockets in taxes and lost revenue. Transport Canada reports the minimum loss to society as a result of road accidents involving alcohol as $390,000 per fatal accidents, $310,000 per fatality, $12,000 per injury accidents, $3,600per injured victim.
Almost 30,000 Criminal Code license suspensions were issued in 1992 for drinking driving related charges. Over one-half (59%) were repeat drinking driving offenses. Of all suspensions issued for impaired driving, 65% were issued for a second or subsequent offense. Crashes happen more often in summer than winter. Over two-thirds of the crashes occur on weekends; one quarter of all crashes happens on Saturday. More than 66% of drinking driving crashes happen between 1800hrs and 0300hrs. Every forty-five minutes in Ontario, a driver is involved in an alcohol related crash. The profiles of these perpetrators of this crime are 90% male in the 25-34 age category.
People drink for many reasons. It is a way to escape from pressure and stress. Also, a lot of people feel that it is a relief from emotional and financial problems. Some people are pressured into drinking by their peers. Drinking is a social aspect. Drinking and driving can have a very detrimental effect on your brain. It can
Some solutions to reduce drinking driving problems are to lower the blood alcohol content (BAC) for the