Like scary statistics? How this for scary, every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. Want another one? On any weekend evening, one in 10 drivers on America's roads has been drinking, and these drivers are teenagers. Growing up the question of drinking and driving has always been an issue, but most of the time the question isn't the issue, the issue is your answer. Have you ever been in a car with a drunk driver? Or let one of your friends get in the car with a drunk driver? Ask yourselves these questions, and I'm almost positive you'll recall at least one time.
Peer Pressure has a lot to do with drinking and driving. It is perhaps the greatest influence on teenagers and their drinking
and driving habits. 70 percent of all teenagers drink alcohol.60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. Drinking and driving is one of the hardest things to deal with, especially as a teenager. You go to parties and of course people are drinking and some of those people decide to drive. If you were smart, you'd have a designated driver, but sometimes people don't think things threw or just want to look cool and act as if their okay, which is known as the "I Can Handle It" Syndrome. "I Can Handle It" Syndrome is when people drink and feel as if Labadie 2 they can handle their liquor, or can handle driving a vehicle because they haven't had enough liquor to impair them. Few people realize the effect one drink can have on them. For instance, teenage boys with a Blood Alcohol level of .05-.10 (a figure below what most states consider the legally drunk limit) are a staggering 18 times more likely to suffer a single vehicle crash than their non-drinking counterparts. Teenage girls at the same levels are an incredible 54 times more likely to crash.
If you see someone getting behind the wheel that is under the influence, help them out. Ask them if they'd like you to drive them home, or call them a cab. Over two thousand teenage deaths would have been prevented if someone had done this. As a teenager growing up around a lot of alcohol due to parties and such, I have grown to know the responsibility of what to do in this case. I haven't learned it on my own, but I was forced to do so, due to many tragic events that I have been threw growing up.