can be caused by injuries, blood clots, and hyponatremia, is the condition where the cells inside your brain swell up and increase the pressure inside the skull (e Medicine Health). Because our brain is protected by a firm skull, when the swelling happens, the blood vessels will become compressed and the oxygen supply will be cut off, at the same time, the cells will become “damaged and die.” The symptoms usually includes headache, nausea, seizures, coma… and in worse cases, death. So in conclusion, it is true that “drinking too much water can cause swelling of brain cells,” it is also extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attentions.
can be caused by injuries, blood clots, and hyponatremia, is the condition where the cells inside your brain swell up and increase the pressure inside the skull (e Medicine Health). Because our brain is protected by a firm skull, when the swelling happens, the blood vessels will become compressed and the oxygen supply will be cut off, at the same time, the cells will become “damaged and die.” The symptoms usually includes headache, nausea, seizures, coma… and in worse cases, death. So in conclusion, it is true that “drinking too much water can cause swelling of brain cells,” it is also extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attentions.