Session: Beginner Drivers Teachers: Mrs. Fiedler
Remember, to receive full credit, answers must be given in 3-5 sentences.
1. What are blind spots? How can you reduce the size of the blind spots?
A blind spot is a spot in the mirror where can’t see the person in the lane next to you. To reduce the blind spot you may adjust your rearview mirror. You can also adjust your side mirror. 2. What is the proper hand position on the steering wheel? Why has this changed in the last 15 years?
The correct hand position is 9 to 3. This changes because of where the airbags were placed.
3. What is the correct following distance: In good weather? In inclement weather?
In good weather the following distance is 2 seconds. In inclement weather the distance is 3 seconds. 3. Discuss the 3 rules for eye habits.
Look ahead not down. Keep your eyes moving? Search the whole scene.
4. What is the average reaction time behind the wheel? What is the average reaction time when texting?
The average reaction time behind the wheel is .75 seconds. The average reaction time while texting is 1.80 seconds. 5. Do you feel like you learned from this presentation?
I learned how to use a gas pedal. I learned what to do in a situation that my car lost its breaks. I learned what to do when following a car / when a car is following me. 6. List two things you loved about this presentation and two things that you would change.
I liked the group chat. I also liked how explanatory the instructor was. I don’t really want to change anything it was